Details of the Re-Labeling Sale Starting September 5th

On September 5th after 3:00 PM PDT, Sphere + Sundry is having its first ~EVER~ SALE! 👀

We are transitioning to upgraded labels, so ALL pre-wrapped stock w/ current labels must GO!

That means this is not a typical sale with an 'end' date!

Each unique item will remain on sale AS LONG as pre-wrapped stock remains.


Once a particular item/ size goes Out of Stock (OOS), it will be resurrected with the new label design within days or weeks at its normal price.

—— Note that if there was a stock counting mishap, the item might be resurrected again with the existing label, but this would be relatively quickly!

—— It will be made obvious on the website which items/ sizes are on sale and which are not!

If an item you want is OOS, you can join its Waitlist to be notified when it becomes available.

We will have all hands on deck Friday the 6th to help process orders as quickly as possible, but there may be a lag into the next week, depending on how large the sale ends up being. There may also be a longer delay than normal on support responses, pending how the server behaves and how many coupons get eaten!

This is based on our standards of nearly daily response + fulfillment times, however. It'll still be much faster than most indie vendors! We thank you for your patience and understanding!


CERTAIN ITEMS WILL SELL OUT ALMOST INSTANTLY, and OTHERS MAY BE ON SALE FOR LITERAL MONTHS. Some items are much more popular than others, and some items have much more stock prepared than others!

We anticipate HIGH TRAFFIC ON THE WEBSITE shortly after the sale begins, and it is very likely that the SERVER WILL CRASH.

Attempting to use coupons during ~that time~ may add to your frustration and result in them being 'eaten' and needing to contact Client Services, so you may wish to reserve those for any later purchase — even Thursday evening, rather than trying to cash them in during the initial Launch Furor™.

[This is why the Plus Member program was invented, to help balance server load. We would love to have been able to offer the sale to PMs first, but it would involve individually editing around 500 products TWICE to make that happen, so it is not possible for this — apologies!]

Pricing Details

The price reduction will be 10% off the three most recent series to debut:

It will be 30% off for all others!

The following series have been fully bottled and will NOT be transitioning to new labels. This is their Extinction Burst:

Note that BPALs, Talismans, Altar Cases, and Accessories will not be part of the sale, since they do not involve our labels. We are discounting pop up supplements 30% just to be done with them : )

Updating Your Own Collection

The new and improved labels will be available to purchase standalone later in September, if anyone would like to update their existing bottles to match the new quality / designs 🫶

Shopping Strategies

Please note that the website will be down most of Thursday (before the sale launches), so we can prepare!

People in the Client Community have been asking if they can pre-load their carts with the items they want. 

You can TRY, but there is a decent chance it might not work (cache refreshing, certain things being OOS and holding up your cart processing).

I would recommend creating a backup list of URLs you can quickly click to re-add items in case it doesn't. 

Also, this bears repeating:

We anticipate HIGH TRAFFIC ON THE WEBSITE shortly after the sale begins, and it is very likely that the SERVER WILL CRASH.

Attempting to use coupons during ~that time~ may add to your frustration and result in them being 'eaten' and needing to contact Client Services, so you may wish to reserve those for any later purchase — even Thursday evening, rather than trying to cash them in during the initial Launch Furor™.


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